
Heard about an artist you want to listen to? Or a podcast that has peaked your interest? Listen Later allows you to curate a list of albums, artists, episodes, podcasts and songs to listen to later with Spotify.

Born out of the desire to be able to easily keep track of things to listen to later (which Spotify currently only supports for podcast episodes ), Listen Later is a free to use, ad-free and open-source web application built to solve this problem.

Screenshot of the Listen Later search page
Screenshot of the Listen Later list page

To get started, sign in (or try it out as a guest), search for an item from Spotify's extensive library, and add it to your list. As your list is stored in the cloud, you can access it on other devices by simply signing in.



List filtering & ordering (e.g. the ability to filter out items marked as listened to).


Support for other Spotify markets.

Listen Later currently only supports searching Spotify for songs etc. available to the United Kingdom market. This means that if your Spotify account "Country or region" is not "United Kingdom", items added to your Listen Later list may not necessarily be available in your region.

We aim to introduce best-effort market detection and manual selection.

Considering for later versions

  • Installable PWA.
  • Support for viewing the list offline.

Got an idea / suggestion?

For feature requests, ideas & suggestions, please visit Listen Later Discussions on GitHub.
